English Learners
Title III - English Learners
We are a program for bilingual students who qualify for EL services. Our teachers ensure that these students master English and meet the same rigorous standards for academic achievement as all children are expected to meet. All district sites receive ELL services. Funding for this grant pays for materials, supplies, testing and required professional development opportunities.
We currently serve approximately 1,800 students.
Title III/ English Language Learners Program
Moore Public Schools offers Language Acquisition services to all English Learners in grades Kindergarten through twelfth grade. The mission statement of the Title III EL Program is:
To provide high quality, research-based English language instruction in order to engage ELL students in English language development and grade-level academic standards.
Identification and Assessment of English Language Learners
All students complete a Home Language Survey upon enrollment. If a language other than English is spoken in the home the student is assessed with the ACCESS for ELL language proficiency test to determine the student's level of language proficiency per the Title III requirements of No Child Left Behind 2001. Students are identified as English Language Learners and eligible for ELL services if the overall score is below 5.0.
Reassessment and Exiting of English Language Learners
English Language Learners are reassessed each spring with the ACCESS for ELLs test per Title III of NCLB. When a student scores an overall score of 4.8 or higher the student is reclassified as Proficient.
Proficient students are conditionally exited from ELL services and placed on monitor status for two full academic years immediately following the proficient score. Once the two year monitoring phase has been completed successfully the student is formally exited from all ELL services.
Parent Notification
Parents will be notified of their student's ACCESS for ELLs test score by the district. Per Title III of NCLB, parents have the right to decline for their student to participate in ELL services by completing a Waiver Form, available upon written request to the ELL Center. Although parents can decline for their students to participate in ELL services, students identified as ELLs cannot be waived from participating in the annual ACCESS for ELLs test.
Parental Rights and Responsibilities
- You have the right to understand your child's level of English proficiency.
- You have the right to understand the ELL program in your child's school.
- You have the right to remove your child from the recommended support service.
- You have the responsibility to make sure your child attends school regularly.
- You have the responsibility to support your child's education at home by:
- Reading to your child and talking with your child about school (either in your first language or in English).
- Encouraging your child to complete homework assignments.
Research shows that children who are literate in their first language perform much better in school than children who are not literate in their first language. Please continue to interact with your children in your first language and to encourage them to become bilingual.