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SRA and Characteristics of Dyslexia Screening Information for Families

Strong Readers Act 

The purpose of the Strong Readers Act is to ensure that progression from one grade to another is determined, in part, upon proficiency in reading, that school district board of education policies facilitate reading instruction and intervention services to address student reading needs, and that each student and his or her parent or legal guardian be informed of that student’s reading progress.

SRA Resources

Strong Readers Act Family Guide

Oklahoma Department of Education - SRA Home Page for Parents 

Screening for Characteristics of Dyslexia - Began in 2022-2023

Grade Level Screening Guidance  -  Guidance for administering the screeners for K-3rd grade students. This document is used by teachers to guide them through the screening process.

Guidance for Parents- This document is provided by the State Department of Education.  It contains information regarding why we screen, who we screen, what it all means, and resources to learn more. 

Reading Resources for Families - Coming Soon (Early September)