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Moore Public Schools offers students the opportunity to enhance their education experience through a variety of programs. 6th grade students are given a choice to take either 7th grade Mathematics or Honors Pre-Algebra in 7th grade. However, there is an additional option, Honors Algebra I, for students who excel in math, have a desire for advanced studies, are self-motivated, and typically score at advanced levels on state tests, pending fulfillment of requirements.

6th grade students who are interested in taking Algebra I in 7th grade can take the Summer Algebra I Prep Course and MPS Algebra I Readiness Test to see if they have an adequate understanding of concepts that will enable them to successfully complete the course. (Rising 8th grade students who did not take Pre-Algebra can also select this route).

More information and the registration link can be found below. Please read all the information provided, the program and requirements are updated annually. 

Please read all information below