End of Year Information Former Employees
End of Year Info
Continuation of Group health benefits: Former employees have a right to continue benefits under the federal Continuation of Benefits Right Act (COBRA). Some former employees may also qualify to retain benefits as a vested/non-vested/retiree employee. Once the Insurance/Benefits office is notified of an employee's resignation, a COBRA packet is prepared and mailed via USPS Certificate of Mailing to the former employee's home address on record. Former Employees will need to read over the documents carefully paying close attention to deadlines and enrollment submission instructions in order to continue coverage. Employees may also access information about enrolling in the National Health Marketplace due to a "qualifying life event" such as ending employment coverage.
2022-2023 End of Year Information
Access information about the Health Marketplace below: http://www.healthcare.gov/how-can-i-get-coverage-outside-of-open-enrollment
beneFITs @ work:
Contact for beneFITs @ work for benefits after resignation:
Cody Freeman, Plan Administrator
Email: claimsandservice@yahoo.com
American Fidelity:
Contact for American Fidelity benefits after resignation: 1-800-943-2231
Flex Department: 1-800-325-0654
Brett McGee, AFA District Representative: (405)408-3837
Email: brett.mcgee@americanfidelity.com
Teacher Retirement Information
Access to Investments:
MPS Investments
403(b) Investment acounts: Please contact, AFPlanServ if you or your financial advisor needs assistance. They are authorized to process your transactions on behalf of Moore Public Schools as the Employer.
457 Investment accounts: Please contact our TPA, GWN Marketing, if you or your financial advisor need assistance. Our TPA is authorized to process your transactions on behalf of Moore Public Schools as the Employer.
AFPlanServ: 1-866-560-6415 - http://www.afplanserv.com
District Representative(s): Zach Hawley: (405)740-4457
Paul Rowlett: 1-877-266-2788