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WHS Wind Ensemble Trains with Composer Frank Ticheli

This semester, the Westmoore High School Wind Ensemble had the unique opportunity to work with renowned Composer Frank Ticheli at the University of Oklahoma. He is a highly-celebrated composer of wind band music of the 21st Century.

Westmoore Director of Bands Ari Taylor said, “It was awe-inspiring to witness his passion for his craft as he rehearsed our band and spoke to students about his compositions. What a treat it was to play for a living composer, and one as accomplished as Mr. Ticheli.”  

Ticheli’s works have been played by symphonies and groups all over the world, including in the United States and in Europe and he received many awards for his compositions.

Taylor said her team reached out to OU Director of Bands Professor Dr. Shanti Simon when they learned that they would be playing a piece by Ticheli called “Blue Shades” this semester. Ticheli happened to be involved in a residency where he works as a guest clinician with many different ensembles at OU.

Simon helped Westmoore set up a one-hour rehearsal with Ticheli on “Blue Shades,” which is the piece the wind ensemble will take to contest in April. Taylor said they rehearsed for an hour on the music and then students had a Q&A with Ticheli where he answered any questions about him or his compositions that they had.

After he worked with the WHS group, they had the opportunity to watch him rehearse the OU Wind Symphony.

“It was a memorable and exciting day for our students, to say the least,” Taylor said. “We were lucky to have been one of four high schools that were able to work with him while he was here.”  

Learn more about Ticheli here. Some of his more known works are “Simple Gifts,” “Blue Shades” and “Angels in the Architecture.”

Visit the Westmoore High School page here.