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More About Canvas

more about canvas


Canvas is the Learning Management System used by PreK-12th grade teachers and students.  It serves as a platform where teachers can post assignments, create discussion boards, and upload content like PowerPoints and instructional videos.  For students, Canvas creates a one stop shop to see assignment details, due dates, and learning resources for all their courses. At teachers' discretion, students are also able to submit assignments through Canvas. 

The adoption of the Canvas Learning Management System represents a significant shift in the access parents have to monitor class resources, assignments, and student submissions. It is imperative that we have one place where parents can go to monitor their student's courses.

While there are numerous benefits for parents, MPS decided to adopt Canvas because it's a tool that is going to help improve student achievement. Students will always have access to course assignments and due dates. 

What does Canvas do for parents?

Canvas gives parents an everyday overview of their student's learning interactions including calendars, assignments, student submissions, and class resources. As a parent, not only will you be able to see assignment details like due date, instructions, and requirements, you can also customize your notifications so you will be alerted when new assignments are posted. Please note that Canvas does not standardize the way teachers choose to organize their curriculums. Course designs and features will vary from one course to the next.

Check out this video about Canvas LMS for Parents.

What does "Observer" mean?

"Observer" is the title Canvas gives to parents or other authorized persons who have access to view a course but are not active participants in the course.

What am I able to see when viewing my parent account online through a web browser versus the Canvas Parent mobile app?

*Please note that not all courses use all the features below

Online Web Browser

  • Set your notifications to be alerted about certain course activity
  • Dashboard (shows all courses on one page)
  • Course syllabus
  • Discussion prompts (parents are unable to participate in course discussions)
  • View but not submit assignments and submission status
  • Course Modules (a Module in Canvas refers to a unit of study)
  • Course calendars

Canvas Parent Mobile App

  • Assignments and submission status
  • Course calendars
  • Announcments
  • Syllabus

Where should I go if I want to see my student's overall course grade?

While parents may see some individual assignment grades in Canvas, they should still check Infinite Campus to view overall course grades because it's the platform the district uses to house historical grading data, report cards, and student achievement data that must be reported to the state. At this time, it would be an undue burden for teachers to put every grade in Canvas because they often give grades for in-class learning activities. That's why Infinite Campus is the place to look for overall course grades.

Which teachers are using Canvas?

PreK - 12th grade teachers are using Canvas.

What's the difference between Canvas and Infinite Campus?

Infinite Campus is a student information system. It's where student transcripts, demographics, class schedules, report cards, and current overall course grades are housed. 

Canvas is a Learning Management System that is better suited for giving parents access to assignment details (due dates, requirements, descriptions, requirements), course resources, and student submissions. For assignments collected through Canvas, parents can view student submissions and see the date and time assignments are submitted.

 Infinite Campus (Student Information System) Canvas (Learning Management System)
  • Attendance
  • Course Grades
  • Transcripts
  • Report Cards
  • Enrollments & Course Schedules
  • Demographics
  • Assignments (due dates, instructions, requirements...)
  • Student Submissions (at teacher's discretion)
  • Course Resources
  • Class Announcements
  • Learning Tools
  • Class Discussions
  • Events
  • Course Notifications (new assignments, due dates, submissions...)

Can I view multiple students with one parent account?

Yes. You will see "Observing" under account settings. Select it and choose the option to add another child. Each student you add will require a unique pairing code.


Using a web browser or a mobile app, parents can create observer accounts to view assignment details, due dates, and course materials. Infinite Campus is still the official platform for course grades and student attendance. To view students' courses, parents need a pairing code. Students can generate a pairing code for their parents by signing into Canvas and going to "Account" in the upper left hand corner, then to "Settings" where there will be an option on the right side of the screen to "Pair with Observer". Some teachers may generate pairing codes for parents, however these will expire in 7 days. If your teacher provided you with a pairing code, click here for instructions on how to Create a Parent Canvas account.

Click here to view a short video with setup instructions.

Click here to learn more about CANVAS Parent, how to setup, how to monitor your student, and how to use the messaging feature.

Click here to view text setup instructions.

Haga clic aquí para ver las instrucciones de configuración de texto.

点击这里 设置说明

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If you have questions or need additional information regarding the Canvas LMS, please contact MPS Educational Technology at

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