How to Speak at Meetings
The Moore Board of Education endorses the concept that community participation in the affairs of the school is essential to maintain mutual confidence and a high quality of education for all students. The Board will make every effort to identify the desires of the community and to be responsive to those desires.
The public is encouraged to attend the meetings of the Board of Education. With the exception of executive sessions, all regular, special and emergency meetings of the Board are open to the public. To provide an opportunity for community involvement, 30 minutes is set-aside at each regular meeting for the public to speak on any item of a current agenda. Individuals who would like to speak during this part of the meeting must complete a form entitled, Community Involvement-Request to Speak, and submit it to the Clerk of the Board prior to 5:45 p.m. on the evening of the regular meeting. Click here to print the Community Involvement-Request to Speak Form.
Community Involvement is not available at Special Meetings of the Board of Education.
Please review Board Policy #1070 Public Participation at Board Meetings.